
Monday 12 August 2013

The wondrous world of an instrument

As my nerves tense , fingers crawling across the object. They feel a round pancake shaped living soul of a musician. The fingers then got caught in a snowball fight on the edge of the world. Then my fingers turned into a team of ants chopping at a log of wood. It feels like my fingers are on a skateboard then they fall off and slide down the special cement. The zero shaped thing is shaken I notice a key whacking the shape like it is a nail. The hammer was trying to make a new instrument. Then a sound comes ringing to my ears it reminds me of my heart racing when the circus was attempting a death defying trick.

By Harry

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing descriptive piece Harry! I can see that you have all been working really hard on your writing and I cant wait to see more evidence of your progress in writing this year when we do our assessments in term 4. You have described so many aspects of this instrument, it was a pleasure to read.
